Salvatore Pezzella on IamHero: Revolutionizing Child Rehabilitation Through Innovative Technology

My name is Salvatore Pezzella and I am a neuropsychomotricist and a gesture therapist. In my practice, patients come to me seeking rehabilitative treatment, often combining psychomotricity with other therapies. For instance, I specialize in working with children, including those with ADHD. Before using the IamHero solution, our approach focused on establishing a strong therapist-patient relationship. This foundation was crucial before addressing the specific difficulties the child faced. Our goal was to help these children adapt to therapeutic contexts and improve their attention and readiness for tasks, which they could then apply in their daily lives at home, school, and in social settings.

Since incorporating IamHero into our practice, our methods have evolved significantly. The virtual reality helmet offers an immersive experience that enhances engagement, making therapy sessions more effective. This technological tool complements our traditional methods, providing an additional resource that significantly boosts motivation among children.

I would wholeheartedly recommend the IamHero solution to other therapists. While every child is unique and may respond differently, the benefits we’ve seen in terms of motivation and overall progress have been substantial. The positive evolution of our patients is a testament to the effectiveness of this innovative approach.

Regarding the IamHero room itself, I find it excellent. It has truly elevated the therapeutic experience for the children we work with, providing them with a stimulating and engaging environment that supports their development and progress.


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