Maria Iossa: Pioneering Therapy with IamHero’s VR Innovation

My name is Maria Iossa, and I am a neuropsychomotricist.


As a neuropsychomotricist, I use play to achieve therapeutic objectives. Through various games and activities, we address the children’s weaknesses. The children are naturally attracted to these playful activities, which help them achieve goals such as walking, grasping, and improving attention.


Before using IamHero, we relied on traditional methods, which sometimes failed to fully engage the children. With IamHero and other technologies at our center, the children are much more intrigued and engaged. The virtual environment, although initially intimidating for some, quickly becomes an exciting and beneficial experience. They might be used to mobile phones, but the immersive experience of the visor captivates them, turning therapy into a fun and enjoyable activity.


I would absolutely recommend this solution to other therapists. The virtual world provides an extra stimulus for the children. It offers a direct and personal experience beyond what a tablet can provide. The children not only have fun but also receive positive stimulation, making it an excellent addition to their therapy.


The IamHero room is fantastic! It truly enhances the therapy experience for the children.


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