Interview with Neuropsychologist Dario D’Alise on Innovative Therapy Methods

My name is Dario D’Alise, and I’m a neuropsychologist specializing in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of neurodevelopmental disorders. I primarily work with children who have conditions such as ADHD, autism, and specific learning disabilities.


Before using the IamHero solution, my work relied heavily on paper-and-pencil methods for both diagnostics and rehabilitation. This traditional approach often made tasks feel like chores to the children, leading to anxiety about performance and meeting deadlines, especially under observation by a healthcare professional.


IamHero has revolutionized this process. It’s an innovative digital tool that transforms therapy and diagnostics into a game-like experience, immersing children in a digital environment where they can develop skills related to executive functions while playing. This playful approach helps them improve their skills without realizing it, increasing their engagement and adherence to therapy. The therapeutic setting becomes more enjoyable and less stressful, positively influencing their cognitive processes.


I consider IamHero to be highly effective. We’ve conducted a statistical analysis with the support of Federico II University, and the change reliability index is very high. This indicates that IamHero enhances both the therapy process and the child’s adherence to their therapeutic regimen.

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