Enhancing Therapy: Interview with Rehabilitation Therapist Victorio Pesce

My name is Victorio Pesce, and I am a rehabilitation therapist specializing in neuropsychomotricity for developmental ages. I work with both small and older children.


I have practiced classical therapy, and staying connected with the child is crucial. Understanding their difficulties and nurturing their natural curiosity are essential parts of my approach. Children’s curiosity can be a powerful tool in therapy.


Working with this new technology has significantly changed things, particularly in terms of behavior. We’ve noticed reduced problematic behaviors, improved difficulties, and more active participation from the child. Therapy becomes an interactive exchange rather than just adult teaching. We play together with this tool, making therapy both innovative and fun. The child enjoys the process and grows without realizing they are working. It’s a perfect blend of fun and effective therapy.


I feel that using IamHero is fantastic. It’s an innovative approach that makes therapy enjoyable. You have fun with the child, helping them grow and develop without them even realizing they’re working. It’s perfect.



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